Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Mission Accomplished

Colleagues and friends.
Hoscakalin ve tesekur ederim Turkey. Hello America.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Washing Machine

Our washing machine is very old and sometimes it doesn't like to work. Through trial and error we've found that brute force is the most successful tactic.

I can hear my roommate kicking it right now. Let's show that washing machine who is boss.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Bikes and Rugs

The weather has changed sharply, and so have my habits. I spent the winter months curled up with podcasts playing and knitting needles clicking. Now, springtime has drawn me from my blanket nest and into the warm sunshine. I swear--read the rest for photo-documented proof.

Thursday, 26 April 2012


If there's any place in Turkey you've got to go, it's Istanbul. Somewhere around 16 million people call this continent-crossing province home. At risk of sounding like a travel agent-- Istanbul has got it all. Roman and Ottoman History seeps from every crack in the pavement. Modern stores and businesses cased in modern architecture keep the city current (Starbucks? Check. Sephora? Check). Plus, all of Turkey's major soccer teams hail from Istanbul (Beşiktaş, Galatasaray, and Fenerbahçe).
Pre-cruise view from our boat.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

March Getaways

My travels in brief:
Mountains meet the sea in Antalya
Antalya-- Four hours south and located on the Mediterranean Sea. Beautiful city with a beachy vibe. Two of the Fulbright ladies I travelled with ran in the 10K race in the Antalya Marathon. Go them! I'll be heading back here in a few weeks time for one last Fulbright hoorah.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Winter Break: Italy

I spy with my little eye...our hotel.

The final installment of this three-part series offers a satisfying ending to a real nail-biter of a storyline. Hold onto your hats, people.

Today's guest star: FOOD. Many thanks to the Italians who've made this all possible.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Winter Break: Barcelona

After a brief intermission, the characters are the same, but the setting has changed...

Hola Barca!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Winter Break: Ireland


Emily- The humble narrator.
Mary- The adventurous eater, hostel-friend-maker and fellow New Jerseyian.
Kara- The navigator and straight-shooter, often identified by her superior hat fashion.

Last June, when I learned I would be moving east of the Atlantic again, I knew I'd be making a trip to back to Ireland. I waited two years for the opportunity to return to the cozy, wood paneled pubs and the eternally green fauna I remembered from my semester in Galway.

We have to rewind a little in order for me to adequately recap my journey.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Working Title

I did something unusual for the past two weekends: I stayed in Afyon.

Because we have such a large network of Fulbright grantees all around Turkey, I've been able to explore Turkey and have great friends to stay with while I do it. After spending a weekend in Mugla (a beautiful coastal province to the south) and then a weekend in Usak (a city only about 2 hours away), I was happy to relax at home before my upcoming European getaway.